About us

About WWH
Wing Wo Hong Industrial Products Ltd. was established in 1954. Initially focusing on dental equipment, we have since expanded to wholesale jewelry-making, watchmaking, and repair tools.
We proudly supply high-quality tools and machines from renowned European and American brands.
Our commitment is to provide competitive pricing, reliable ordering, and professional sales services to customers in Asia and worldwide.
The brands are as follows
Busch, Badeco, Cimo, Durston, Fretz, GRS, Grobet USA, Green Lion, Knew Concepts, Leica, Orion, Super Pike, Schultheiss, etc.
永和行工業器材有限公司 成立於1954年,初期經營牙科器材批發,現已擴展至珠寶首飾製作器材(金工工具)、鐘錶製作及維修設備供應商。
Busch、Badeco、Cimo、Durston、Fretz、GRS、Grobet USA、Green Lion、Knew Concepts、Leica、Orion、Super Pike、Schultheiss 等。